It is with great sadness that the office of Nicholas J. Gonzalez, M.D. relays news of his untimely death on Tuesday, July 21, 2015. He died suddenly at home of unknown causes. Dr. Gonzalez discusses the scientific support for his approach to cancer and other degenerative diseases. Dr. Gonzalez has been treating cancer with his alternative therapy for over 20 years. His regimen can be broken down into the following basic components: diet, supplements (with proteolytic enzymes for cancer patients) and detoxification routines. Each treatment protocol is individualized for each patient, regardless of the underlying problem. In his lecture, Dr. Gonzalez reviews the rationale behind all aspects of his approach. Dr. Gonzalez's research has been funded by Procter & Gamble, Nestle, and the National Institutes of Health. Articles about his scientific efforts have been published in the conventional peer-reviewed literature. Over the years, Dr. Gonzalez has been featured in many magazines including the New Yorker, Life Extension, Prevention, and total health and has appeared repeatedly on various television venues. He was featured in the best-selling book Knockout written by Suzanne Somers and published in October 2009. Dr. Gonzalez continues to lecture frequently both abroad and in the US. He and his colleague Dr. Linda Isaacs currently practice in New York City.
Dr. Nicholas J. Golnzalez, M.D. (1947 - 2015) was a Certified graduated from Brown University, Phi Beta Kappa, magna cum laude, with a degree in English Literature. He subsequently worked as a journalist, first at Time Inc., before pursuing premedical studies at Columbia. He then received his medical degree from Cornell University Medical College in 1983. During a postgraduate immunology fellowship under Dr. Robert A. Good, considered the father of modern immunology, he completed a research study evaluating an aggressive nutritional therapy in the treatment of advanced cancer. Since 1987, Dr. Gonzalez has been in private practice in New York City, treating patients diagnosed with cancer and other serious degenerative illnesses. Results from a pilot study published in 1999 described the most positive data in the medical literature for pancreatic cancer. - List of publications: - Enzymes and Cancer - What Went Wrong: The Truth Behind the Clinical Trial of the Enzyme Treatment of Cancer - One Man Alone: An Investigation of Nutrition, Cancer, and William Donald Kelley - The Trophoblast and the Origins of Cancer: One solution to the medical enigma of our time