In the foreword by Dr. Andrew Moulden, he says: "If penicillin shots and peanut butter sandwiches were mandated, many children would be harmed; some would even die. If we cannot give penicillin or peanut butter to everybody safely, the logical progression that injecting live, biologically active, immunogenetic particles cannot be safe for everyone either." Warfarin is rat poison. Statins weaken the heart. CoQ10 can reverse receding gums. The information one gains from listening to Dr. Sherry Tenpenny is eye-opening! However, the former emergency room specialist, osteopath, and alternative medicine clinic owner is engaged in a battle. Her rallying cry is for informed consent and knowledgeable consumers, especially concerning vaccinations. She contends that vaccinations are far more dangerous than conventional medicine will admit. The chemicals, heavy metals, adverse effects, and the sheer number of vaccinations being pushed, if not mandated, by a growing number of authorities, is a cause for concern, she asserts. Consumers have a right to know that medical directives (e.g., "thou shalt get your flu shot"), government agencies (the CDC, the FDA), and profit-driven pharmaceutical companies are part of a revolving door system that doesn't necessarily prioritize your good health. After all, big pharma profits from making drugs that treat the side effects of other drugs, don't they? "The vaccination program has been a 200-year, multi-generational brainwashing campaign," she says, and it has worsened with laws that protect practitioners and pharmaceutical producers from liability, turning medical treatment and insurance into profit-oriented industries. Until 1985, children typically received three vaccinations: MMR, DTaP, and Polio. Today, by the time children start kindergarten, Tenpenny claims they've been injected with 40 doses of 16 vaccines, with some 200 more in development. Conditions like cancer, eczema, and asthma are on the rise among children, and autism rates are soaring. "We've got an epidemic of children losing their minds, and we've got a medical industry in denial." Her message is to know your rights. Every state has a medical exemption (though it can be challenging to obtain). Nineteen states have philosophical exemptions, and forty-eight states offer religious opt-outs. (You can check your state's vaccination laws at the National Vaccine Information Center: Tenpenny also provides insights on squalene, a component soon to be used in vaccinations. She discusses the new HPV (Gardasil) vaccine and raises concerns about fluoride, which she claims is a byproduct of the aluminum industry used to sedate prisoners in Russia. Regarding overeating, she suggests, "Our body is seeking minerals when we eat, so taking a good multi-mineral supplement can often curb carb cravings." Tenpenny is a strong advocate of herb and vitamin supplements and recommends, "If you can only take one vitamin, take D3. The level should be between 75 and 80, as confirmed by a blood test. It offers protection against cancer, supports brain function, and boosts the immune system. If you experience winter depression due to the lack of sunlight, it's likely due to a vitamin D3 deficiency." An insider allegedly informed this doctor that the pharmacy industry's vision statement aims for every person on the planet to be on one, preferably three, prescription drugs for life. Tenpenny is on a mission to awaken people to this fact.
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny is widely recognized as one of the most knowledgeable and vocal physicians in the United States when it comes to the impact of vaccines on health. Dr. Tenpenny is a staunch advocate for healthcare freedom, firmly supporting the right to refuse vaccination. She is renowned as an international speaker, sought after for her ability to deliver scientifically grounded information about vaccine risks and warnings, aspects often overlooked in conventional medical circles. Most notably, she provides hope through her unique treatments available at Tenpenny Integrative Medical Center for individuals who have suffered vaccine-related injuries. In addition to her expertise in vaccines, Dr. Tenpenny is an authority on women's breast health and the utilization of iodine for disease prevention. Dr. Tenpenny earned her degree from the University of Toledo in Toledo, Ohio, and received her medical education at Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine in Kirksville, Missouri. She achieved board certification in Emergency Medicine until 2005 (which she chose not to renew) and has maintained her board certification in Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine since 1995. Before venturing into alternative medicine, Dr. Tenpenny held the position of Director of the Emergency Department at Blanchard Valley Regional Hospital Center in Findlay, Ohio, from 1987 to 1995. In 1994, she co-established OsteoMed, a medical practice in Findlay dedicated exclusively to osteopathic manipulative medicine. In 1996, Dr. Tenpenny relocated to Strongsville, Ohio, and founded OsteoMed II, broadening her practice and her vision of integrating the best aspects of conventional and alternative medicine. In 2011, OsteoMed moved to a new facility in Middleburg Heights, Ohio, where the clinic is currently based. Concurrently, the corporate name was rebranded as Tenpenny Integrative Medical Center to encompass the evolving corporate identity. OsteoMed takes pride in the fact that patients from 39 states and 11 countries have sought care at the clinic, seeking healing and wellness. Dr. Tenpenny as an Educator With an unwavering commitment to patient well-being, Dr. Tenpenny has created a range of CDs and DVDs designed to educate individuals interested in various aspects of health, including allergy elimination, breast health, hormone management, sleep health, ADD/autism, and thyroid concerns. Educational resources addressing these subjects, along with the latest insights on vaccination, are accessible through our store. Dr. Tenpenny has delivered lectures at Cleveland State University and Case Western Reserve Medical School, covering topics related to alternative health. Nationally, she is a frequent guest on radio and television talk shows, appearing on programs such as the nationally syndicated "Coast-to-Coast AM," "Alex Jones," "The Deborah Ray Show," and numerous others. She has been a recurring guest on "Your Health with Dr. Richard Becker," broadcast on the Family Network. Her articles have been published in prominent national magazines, newspapers, and online platforms, including, Huffington Post, and She is the accomplished author of two best-selling books, "FOWL! Bird Flu: It's Not What You Think" and "Saying No To Vaccines: A Resource Guide for All Ages." Dr. Tenpenny is also a contributing author to "Food and Nutrition in Disease Management" and "Vaccine Epidemic: How Corporate Greed, Biased Science, and Coercive Government Threaten Our Human Rights, Our Health, and Our Children."