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July 8, 2014

Nick Buettner

The Blue Zones: Lessons for Living Longer From the People Who've Lived the Longest

PART 1  |  PART 2 >>

S y n o p s i s

In 2004, Dan Buettner, joined forces with National Geographic and the world's leading longevity researchers to identify regions across the globe where people lived significantly longer and healthier lives. These areas, known as Blue Zones, exhibited rates of centenarians that were ten times higher than those in the United States.

After pinpointing the world's Blue Zones, Dan Buettner and National Geographic organized scientific expeditions to each location to uncover lifestyle characteristics that might explain the remarkable longevity observed in these regions. They discovered that the residents of all Blue Zones shared nine specific lifestyle characteristics, which they aptly named the Power 9.

The subsequent publication of Dan Buettner's book, "The Blue Zones," propelled him into the spotlight, leading to appearances on shows like Oprah, TED Talks, and involvement in Bill Clinton's Health Matters Initiative. The book's success gave rise to a new challenge: Could they replicate a Blue Zone in the United States?

In 2009, a partnership with AARP and the United Health Foundation led to the application of the Power 9 principles in Albert Lea, MN, with promising results. In just one year, participants added an estimated 2.9 years to their average lifespan, while healthcare claims for city workers decreased by 49%. Harvard's Walter Willett hailed these outcomes as "stunning."

Today, Blue Zones are being established in various cities and businesses throughout the country, furthering their mission to help people live longer and better lives. You can learn more about how to get involved and support this mission.

A long, healthy life isn't a mere accident; it's a result of good genes coupled with healthy habits. Experts suggest that by adopting the right lifestyle, individuals can potentially extend their lifespan by up to a decade. National Geographic Explorer Dan Buettner led research teams worldwide to uncover the secrets of Blue Zones?geographic regions where a significant percentage of the population enjoys exceptionally long and fulfilling lives.

The recipe for longevity, as Buettner discovered, is intricately tied to community, lifestyle, and spirituality. You won't find the secret to a longer life in a bottle of diet pills or through hormone therapy. Instead, it lies in embracing a few simple yet powerful habits and cultivating the right community around oneself. In "The Blue Zone," Buettner combines his lifestyle formula with the latest research on longevity, inspiring lasting behavioral changes that can add years to your life.

B i o

Nick Buettner is dedicated to the dissemination of knowledge, inspiration, and the facilitation of connections among people and ideas. His involvement with the Blue Zones expedition team afforded him a firsthand and immersive experience in Blue Zones?regions characterized by the highest life expectancy and a greater prevalence of centenarians than anywhere else in the world. Utilizing National Geographic's photography and employing dynamic storytelling, Nick transports audiences to these long-lived cultures, shares his personal observations from his fieldwork, and equips your group with actionable insights to enhance their well-being immediately.

Nick Buettner's Additional Accomplishments:

- Executive Producer of the Blue Zones expeditions to Okinawa, Costa Rica, and Ikaria. As a key figure within the Blue Zones team, Nick spearheaded all on-site operations and collaborated with prominent media outlets such as Good Morning America, CNN, AOL, WCCO, and the National Geographic Channel.

- Representation on behalf of the Blue Zone Team for the Blue Zone Project in Iowa, an initiative aimed at implementing the lessons derived from the Blue Zones into communities across the United States.

- Founder of Flying Pencil Productions, an innovative provider of cross-media learning experiences that empower students to explore and positively impact their world. Flying Pencil's core mission centers on fostering a lifelong passion for learning, discovery, and comprehension.

- Chief Operating Officer and Spokesperson for FoolProof Financial Education Systems, Inc., an organization offering consumers robust, interactive financial literacy and consumer information programs designed to equip individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to navigate the complexities of personal finance effectively.

- Co-creator, along with Dan Buettner, of MayaQuest, a pioneering internet-based educational program that has been successfully implemented in classrooms across all 50 states and 122 countries.

- Conceived, developed, and executed two global educational projects for Minnesota Governors, reaching over 1000 schools throughout the state.

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The Blue Zones: Lessons for Living Longer From the People Who've Lived the Longest

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